Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Early Oscar Predictions - July 2013

I am an extreme fan of the Oscars and truly appreciate the majestic atmosphere they bring each year. With that said, I have been staying in tune with this year's list of films and I think I have an idea on who will take home the prized statue in 2014. While its still very early and of course, things can change - I'm confident I'll get some of these right:

Best Actor: this is a toss up between Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. Leo has been nominated 3 times and never won. He was also the only actor to not get nominated for Titanic. The press is recognizing this fact and since Gatsby, Leo has been getting a lot of attention. Now he has a new movie coming out - Wolf on Wall Street. Gatsby may not get him nominated but it got him the attention he needs for his upcoming film in his back to back 2013 movie year. This film screams Oscar - Scorsese, controversial plot, true story, comes out during Oscar season. This may just be the kick Leo needs and plus....the academy would show us all that see????? we recognized Leo for his talents. 

Tom Hanks has been quiet and while he already won 2 times, he may just have a shot at a 3rd win. He will be playing Captain Phillips and Walt Disney back to back. Again, he screams Oscar - playing two real life persons in 2 very controversial story lines.

Best Supporting Actor: as much as I love Gatsby, I don't think it came out at an appropriate time for the academy to give much consideration. However, Joel Edgerton surprised us all with his performance as Tom Buchanan. The man gave us chills in his depiction of the literary antagonist (hotel scene...need I say more)? In the meantime, Matthew McCanaughey is getting a lot of recognition for his upcoming role in Wolf on Wall Street. In the trailer, you can just see him having the potential to steal the scenes. I think we might be seeing his name on the nominee listing as well. I say it's between these two gentlemen.

Best Director: either George Clooney or Alfonso Cuaron. Alfonso is directing a very bold movie and is getting acclaimed critically for taking such major risks in the upcoming film, Gravity. In the meantime, the academy loves George Clooney and nominates him for almost anything. Now that he's directing, the academy may just say - well....we didn't give you the recognition for actor, but that's because we feel you're a director!!

Best Actress: Naomi Watts for her performance in Diana. Naomi will be playing Princess Diana this year and the academy has certainly taken a liking to anyone who can pull off British royalty (Helen Mirren as the Queen, Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher, Colin Firth in King's Speech). Sandra Bullock however may come in for a second win as she plays an astronaut lost in space, fighting to survive. Should she pull that off, she may just be the one to beat. However, I'm confident it's going to Naomi Watts since she was already considered the dark horse last year for her performance in The Impossible.

Best Picture: too early to tell but I think these films will be nominated

Saving Mr. Banks
Captain Phillips
The Butler
Wolf on Wall Street
The Great Gatsby

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