Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Heat

The Heat is a 2013 comedy film starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. These two actresses deliver a phenomenal performance and make a great team. As a result, this film will have you roll on the floor laughing. It truly serves it purpose as a comedy presentation while allowing us to appreciate other great things about the film too. 

***Spoilers Ahead***

The movie opens up with us meeting Sandra Bullock's character. We immediately see that she is great at her job, but that's about it. She has no social skills and is not well liked by anyone within her workplace. She is vying for a promotion, but the boss is hesitant knowing how unpopular she is at work. He gives her a major assignment and basically says to her that the promotion would still be in the talks should she pull this one off well. We then meet Melissa McCarthy's character who is the polar opposite to Bullock's personality, but still shares the same attributes as her (not liked at work but great at what she does). Now put the two women together and you have a hilarious movie.

The two must work together to solve a major crime spree in Boston relating to drugs, murder, and mafia. You soon learn Melissa McCarthy is a little more involved than she'd like to be. Her brother is in deep with the people she is after and so she tries her best throughout the film to protect him. We also learn that she arrested her own brother when he was involved in drugs and wrong crowds. Her family disowned her for doing that, and did not understand that all she was doing was her job and helping him. So even with the film being hilarious, it still had a serious note to it which made you appreciate it more.

Sandra Bullock doesn't have it easy either. She is alone and has a lot riding on this assignment. While the two are working the case for selfish reasons, they realize they're not getting too far. They have to put their selfish reasons aside and help each other in growing and developing as human beings. As they begin to do that, they create a strong foundation for what will become a lasting friendship. Needless to say, they solve the crime and the film ends with them being "sisters." In fact, that scene made me tear up personally. Bullock had no positive comments in her yearbook and was also a foster child. The ending scene shows that McCarthy signed the yearbook - "Now you have a sister."

So while the film had some hilarious moments, it also pulled on my heart strings a bit too. As a result, it made me appreciate the film that much more. The film was able to deliver a balance of comedy (without getting too stupid), drama, and heartwarming moments. And for that, this film makes my top 5 in comedy favorites. 

My recommendation is to go see the film. You will definitely laugh a lot!

My rating: A

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