Monday, June 17, 2013

Man of Steel

Man of Steel is a 2013 superhero film featuring one of the most iconic superheroes of our time....Superman. While we have seen our fair share of Superman reboots beyond Christopher Reeve, this particular one takes a unique twist. We cannot help but have high expectations of the film considering the names attached to it....Christopher Nolan, Zach Snyder, etc. Sadly, Man of Steel fails to deliver a superhero movie that will be talked about for years!! Sorry Christopher Nolan, but stick with  Batman.

Visually, the film is fantastic. The cinematography is superb as the camera captures incredible angles throughout the entire film. One notable scene is when Superman walks out for the first time. The angle in which his cape is shown blowing in the wind is well done. It were scenes like the one I just mentioned that captured those intense moments and made you appreciate what was happening in the scene.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for character development. Not one character is emotionally connected with the audience. I could not get myself to "feel" what the characters were feeling. Their story lines intertwined way too quickly and even prematurely. Amy Adams as Lois Lane was perhaps the most disappointing. We learn nothing of her and the relationship between Lois and Superman is never truly defined. Superman is another character I was disappointed in. The filmmakers tried too hard to get his origin storyline all in one movie. The flashbacks showing his time as a child was well done, but the transition from Clark to Superman is poorly developed. There is no excitement, no anticipation. All of a sudden he walks out of a cave wearing the uniform. Wait! What?!?

The build up to the final showdown between hero and villain is poorly executed. By the time the ending is about to be revealed, the movie lost my interest. And I couldn't help but feel disappointed in how the showdown took place. Could we put in any more superhero movie cliches? While I understand the reality of a superhero movie is hard to display, this movie gave far-fetch a new meaning. Superman and the villain are flying through every and I mean every skyscraper in New York. All at the same time, alien space ships are flying above the city and destroying the buildings Superman missed. It was Star Trek meets War of the Worlds meets District 9. And at the very end all it takes is for Superman to snap the villain's neck! What?!?!? 

My personal theory is this...Christopher Nolan got cocky. His success in Batman made him think he could come up with anything and we would all just fall to our knees. Sorry not this time. Christopher Reeve would still be rolling in his grave.

My recommendation: see it but don't make it your priority must see summer movie. It's ok if you miss this one.

Rating: B-

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