Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a 1996 Disney animated film that is now perceived to be one of the classics. The following review is a reflection of my own personal thoughts and comments and is in no way affiliated with Disney.

***Spoilers Ahead***

Well my first question is this....WHY IS THIS NOT ON BROADWAY?!? The music to this film is stunning and immediately captures you in the first 10 minutes. It's funny how you watch an animated film from the 90s and forget how times have changed since then. Boy do I miss the animated films from my childhood days.

This film was fantastic and I'm shocked I've never seen it before. It must have just slipped by me. Well thanks to Netflix, I was able to watch the film and enjoy the fabulous tale of Quasimodo. The story was kid-friendly but I will admit, there were numerous parts that made me think, "wow this is dark." The story begins with a group of Gypsies running away from Frolo, the evil minister who vows to kill every gypsy that steps foot in Paris. He chases after a woman and her baby and as he grabs hold of the baby, he causes her to trip and fall. She unfortunately dies and Frolo is marked with sin. He is obligated to care for the boy (Quasimodo) in order to cleanse his soul.

The movie brings up several controversial points, but that is what makes this film amazing. The first point is being accepted for your differences. Quasimodo suffers from deformity and is convinced by Frolo he will never be taken in by the people. When Quasimodo is revealed to the public, some people embrace him while others torment him for being different. A clear representation of our current society and what's it like to feel different from everyone else.

The other point revolves around Frolo. This villain is very conflicted and I could not help but see a little Javert resemblance in this character. Frolo cannot see the good, no matter what, in Gypsies. He thinks they are disgusting and a menace to society. He specifically targets the Gypsy Esmerelda and wants to destroy her. But why? It is soon revealed that her beauty and charm is causing Frolo to get some...well....lets just say urges. He cannot accept this evil within him and blames the girl for it. As a result, he either wants her all to himself or just have her die. Definitely a point I don't think most kids will get.

Overall the film was great and visually stunning. Great animation and I loved the Topsy Turvy number. It was probably my favorite scene of the movie. While I don't understand the point of having real life gargoyles (sort of took away from the reality of the film), I get that they were the comic relief and Quasimodo's only friends. That was probably my only ehhh moment when watching the film.

Should this be a Disney film you have yet to see...See It! It is amazing and I'm glad I took the time to watch the movie.

My rating: A+

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