Sunday, June 23, 2013

World War Z

World War Z is a 2013 film starring Brad Pitt. The film takes place in modern day society and revolves around a very popular topic within our pop culture at the moment....zombie apocalypse. I was quite hesitant in seeing this film, but to be honest I'm glad I did. It was extremely well done and I was thoroughly impressed with Brad Pitt's performance. He carried the film very well.

***Spoilers Alert****

The film begins with us meeting Gerry (Pitt) and his family. It is clearly recognized from the start that this family is very happy and very loving. Gerry is now the stay at home Dad, but enjoys taking care of his two daughters. The family of 4 are driving in NYC when they quickly realize something is happening within city limits. Gerry steps out of the car to investigate but a nearby explosion takes place. The family begins to panic with the rest of the citizens and make a run for it. Did we just get attacked? Gerry continues to look behind him only to see what no one would have expected to see...people eating each other and acting ferociously.

The film quickly develops into a zombie apocalypse. Gerry and his family travel to nearby buildings in order to escape the increasing threat. He gets a call from a friend he used to work with in the United Nations - "we're sending help your way!" Gerry and his family barely escape but are rescued and taken to a military carrier in the Atlantic Ocean. It is then when we learn about the situation and about Gerry. Gerry used to be an international spy for the UN and did a lot of work for them. In order for his family to stay protected onboard the carrier, Gerry must get back to his original job and join forces with the military. They want him to travel the world and find out more about this tragedy.

As Gerry continues his journey with the officers, he realizes none of the zombies target terminally ill people. He comes to the conclusion that they do not want anyone who is marked for death. As a result, he makes his way to a world health research facility, and works with the scientists in gathering diseases. In the final scene, Gerry is face to face with a zombie. He injects himself with the disease and well....hopes for the best. Sure enough the zombie shows no interest in him and the scientists realize his theory worked. They save him with an antidote and he is once again reunited with his family. The scientists quickly develop a vaccine using the deadliest diseases (not enough to kill anyone) so people can receive "camouflage" shots. Now as they remain invisible to the zombies, officials can figure out a way to save Earth and recover from this event.

Zombie movies have always been known to turn corny and far fetched. This one however takes a unique twist and captures the very element of surprise. How would you react should one day you saw this take place? We hear about it. Heck there's a tv show about it - but should one day zombies arrive, how would you respond!? I think Brad Pitt captures that moment very well in comprehending the reality of an impossible situation. I also enjoyed how scientists were trying to justify it as a major flu and refused to accept the word zombie as a mature, logical justification. Meanwhile, other officials are saying we must accept the fact that something we always deemed fictional is now actually happening. I felt it made the film more realistic in the approach they took.

I also dislike movies that solve a world crisis in two hours. This event is still happening as the film ends. They just found something that would help them remain uninflected. The real job is still taking place.

Overall a good film with some great action packed scenes. Go see it - you'll be pleasantly surprised.

My Rating: B+

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