Saturday, June 15, 2013

Top 10 Movie Plot Twists #8


****Spoilers Ahead****

While there may be some amazing movies out in the world, many of them failed to do the unspeakable: kill off the main character in an unpredictable way. 

The Departed hits my top 10 list, because you would never expect this scene to take place. Protagonists who die mainly do so at the very end when they have fulfilled their mission. Otherwise, they seem to survive every possible threat thrown at them. 

Leo Dicaprio plays Billy Costigan, the main protagonist of the movie. With about 45 minutes left, Billy captures the antagonist played by Matt Damon. While we believe the protagonist has finally won and there is no hope for Matt Damon, we are given an ultimate element of surprise. Leo is escorting a severely beaten Matt via elevator. As soon as the elevator doors open, Billy is shot and killed by one of Matt's allies. We can't help but jump, and feel shocked that our main character, who was in the lead this whole time, just died with one bullet. How did that happen?

The Departed took some major risks but also exposed the reality of what it's like to be in organized crime: expect the unexpected and that no one is safe. Great film and powerful scene makes this one of the best plot twists for me.

I did not post the clip because it is extremely bloody and violent.

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