Monday, June 10, 2013

Top 10 Movie Plot Twists: #10


****Spoilers ahead****

For me, a great story involves a twist - something we weren't expecting to happen. It's what draws us in and captures our surprise instantly. While The Mist is a seriously flawed film, it has landed a spot in my top 10 movie plot twists.

The film focuses on a random town where people are living their everyday lives. They are soon cloaked in an unknown mist where terror awaits anyone who investigates the outside world. It turns out Earth is under a severe alien attack and the aliens are using the mist as a shielding tool. As many of the people die, they begin to lose all hope of surviving this brutal event.  

A group of people decide to take one final chance as they enter the mist, get in a car, and drive off. They soon realize they cannot escape the mist/aliens and agree that they gave it a good try. As all hope is lost for them, they realize they will not survive this attack. They are stuck in the middle of the road, awaiting the inevitable doom.

They decide to take matters into their own hands with one gun, 4 bullets, and 5 people. The leading man decides to kill his son and his allies to spare them the agony everyone else has been going through in this attack. As he grieves the lost of his son, he is forced to find his own way of death. As soon as he exits the car, the army arrives and is literally saving the day. He cannot believe this and the film ends with him screaming in agonizing surprise.

I will admit, my mouth opened when I saw this scene. This scene is an extremely controversial yet powerful moment. What do you do when you are convinced you're not going to survive? Do you wait? Or do you just get it over with? This also brings up an incredible point that sometimes, patience truly is a virtue. I would never have guessed the movie would end with this man killing four people including his son only to be rescued seconds later. 

A twist I genuinely did not see coming. I have attached the 7 minute scene for your enjoyment but note that this scene contains blood, violence, and controversial topics.

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