Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Top 10 Movie Plot Twists: #9


****Spoilers Alert****

This 2004 film was criticized for its lack of suspense and horror. Many people did not enjoy the film, including critics. I, however, loved this movie. Why? Cause of the plot twist.

There are so many movies out there with one common issue: they're predictable. The twist they present has been done several movies back. There's nothing new. But this one was. This twist genuinely surprised me and made its way onto my top 10.

The Village is about a group of people living in a town set in the 1800s. They all suffer from some inner demon, but we do not know what it is. As the story progresses, we learn from the village's leaders that there are monsters in the woods and no one should ever cross into their territory. We meet these creatures halfway through the film and believe the leaders are telling the truth. But something drastic happens that will cause the leaders to rethink their policy.

The protagonist is severely injured and requires lots of medication. This medication is not within the village's reach and it can only be found pass the woods. The leaders send a woman who is blind out into the woods to retrieve the medicine. Aren't they concerned about her safety? Why are they not thinking about the monsters? Well that's because the monsters are the leaders.

The leaders dress up in these costumes to scare off the people and keep them from satisfying their curiosity. But why?  Cause it's the not the 1800s, it's 2004. The leader of the village bought out the land and used it to make his own town set in the 1800s. Each of the leaders experienced a major tragedy in their lives - murder, theft, rape, lost. They felt the modern world was too painful to live in, and decided to "go back" in time to a period they felt was peaceful and tranquil. They believed it was the only way to shield their children and grandchildren from the horrors that is our modern day society. 

I honestly did not see the twist coming. With the setting and detail so strong in that time period, I was left with no clues as to the twist being the year is 2004.

Excellent build up and incredible story development. Once revealed, the twist made this movie one of the most interesting concepts in my movie watching experience.

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